A long time ago…
Way back in ‛77, when Star Wars was just Star Wars, I was but a wee lad of nine sitting in a dark theatre watching the magic of George Lucas’ universe unfold in front of me. Like many this single viewing of such a wondrous space tale became a defining moment in a life-long journey that continues to unfold.
I’m not such a geek as to know every little thing about every little moment in the vast saga that Lucas has created. I don’t delve willingly into the “Expanded Universe” and, if truth be told, there’s enough truly wretched Star Wars related fodder sitting in book shelves, video libraries and retail stores that I sometimes wonder, “how can I possibly be so enamored with all of this crap?”
But that’s not what this blog is really about. It’s more about my return to the magical love affair with Star Wars via the 2008 release of Star Wars: The Clone Wars animated series. Yes, the 3D one that is reminiscently styled after The Fabulous Thunderbirds of cheesy marionette fame. But please, let us not call it a cartoon. It is a portal that takes me back to that same wide-eyed, nine-year-old kid I used to be. And believe me, I have the toys to prove it.