Most of us (true) Star Wars fans have been aware of the seeming contempt between creator George Lucas and the actor who filled Darth Vader's original boots, David Prowse. A while back he was banned by Mr. Lucas from attending any official Star Wars events and the aging Sith Lord was kicked to the curb.
Now that Disney is in control of the franchise fans have turned to the power of the internet to try and have Prowse reinstated as a staple of the Star Wars Weekends and other Star Wars Celebration events. There is an online petition Invite Vader to at least get his participation sanctioned for the 2016 Star Wars Celebration in London, England but with only 500 supporters so far it seems like the man in black could use a little help. So if you feel so inclined, whether by Jedi Mind Trick or not... give the guy a hand. Like most of the cast he probably won't be doing this forever.