Friday, December 11, 2009

We have a winner!

Congratulations go out to Snowtroopers member Richd, winner of the Diorama Contest, with his massively spectacular "Battle of Hoth" entry. Click on the link to view more photos of Richd's diorama or visit the contests section to view some of the other outstanding entries that made judging this contest such a daunting task. Thanks to everyone who participated and an extra special thanks to Snowtroopers member Ambasah for donating the Darth Maul Bloodfin statue that our winner will receive.

Sunday, October 18, 2009


It's not often a figure eludes me but I do find humor in the fact that this particular one happens to be a bounty hunter. Well, after two weeks of hearing reports that he was hitting the shelves, I finally tracked one down. Phew.
I know the staff at my local WalMart, Zellers and TRU stores were getting tired of seeing my face.

Thursday, October 15, 2009

A Season Gone By

November 3 can't get here soon enough!

Admittedly I have the complete Season One already burned to DVD and nicely stored in custom cases but their viewing quality is only passable at best and they serve the mere purpose of staying my fix until the real deal arrives on Blu-Ray.

Who cares if I don't have a Blu-Ray player yet? This is the reason to buy one. (PS3 anyone?)

Honestly, I think I am as excited about having the full-roster of HD episodes as I am about all the bonus features that come with it.
  • Seven Director's Cut Episodes:
    • Rising Malevolence
    • Shadow of Malevolence
    • Lair of Grievous
    • Rookies
    • Storm Over Ryloth
    • Innocents of Ryloth
    • Liberty on Ryloth
  • 22 Episodic Featurettes that go behind-the-scenes with Supervising Director Dave Filoni and crew about the making-of each episode
  • Spectacular 64 page production journal that includes early sketches, artist notes, and concept art from each episode from Season One
  • The Jedi Temple Archives (BD Exclusive) - An extensive database exploring test footage, early concept art, 3-D character and object turnarounds and early animation. The Archives is a rare look at the assets in various stages of creation for The Clone Wars, with a wealth of surprises and never-before seen moments sprinkled throughout.
I'm also very pleased to see that there are director's cuts of my two favorite episodes; Rookies and Lair of Greivous. They are by far the best of the bunch although the three-part Ryloth series is an exceptionally well-done story arc as well.

I can't wait!

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Begun the blog has...

A long time ago…

Way back in ‛77, when Star Wars was just Star Wars, I was but a wee lad of nine sitting in a dark theatre watching the magic of George Lucas’ universe unfold in front of me. Like many this single viewing of such a wondrous space tale became a defining moment in a life-long journey that continues to unfold.

I’m not such a geek as to know every little thing about every little moment in the vast saga that Lucas has created. I don’t delve willingly into the “Expanded Universe” and, if truth be told, there’s enough truly wretched Star Wars related fodder sitting in book shelves, video libraries and retail stores that I sometimes wonder, “how can I possibly be so enamored with all of this crap?”

But that’s not what this blog is really about. It’s more about my return to the magical love affair with Star Wars via the 2008 release of Star Wars: The Clone Wars animated series. Yes, the 3D one that is reminiscently styled after The Fabulous Thunderbirds of cheesy marionette fame. But please, let us not call it a cartoon. It is a portal that takes me back to that same wide-eyed, nine-year-old kid I used to be. And believe me, I have the toys to prove it.