Put your Stormtrooper helmets on folks... it's gettin' ugly out there.
As the North American release date for the Star Wars Complete Saga Blu-ray Edition looms near the internet is sizzling with more cross-fire than the orbit around Coruscant at the opening of Revenge of the Sith. Uber FanBoys are screaming about the changes to their sacred films (most specifically the Original Trilogy) and September 19th is beginning to sound like it will be The Day of Reckoning.
The pot is being stirred for certain. YouTube clips are popping up everywhere touting supposed changes to the films with everything from altered soundtracks to digitally enhanced Ewok eyes. George Lucas has apparently gone mad and the backlash could surpass that of the 1999 Jar Jar Binks fiasco. Meesa worried big time! Not.
Me? I'm a wait and see kind of guy. I live by the X-Files code: "Trust no one", and, "The truth is out there."
I will not tell a lie and say I wasn't in the long line of pitch-fork wielding fans demanding the head of Binks after having waited 15 years for a new Star Wars movie only to be given the giant turd called The Phantom Menace. There is no way around it. That movie sucked and sucked hard. If feel bad for the generation that grew up thinking that was Star Wars. But that's all behind me now. I've mellowed with my attitude about the franchise. Heck, I can even go so far as to say I like Jar Jar as a character in the Clone Wars series. See? I'm as cool as Lando in a Bespin breeze about it all.
So what is the big deal? Why do so many people have their intergalactic panties in a bunch? Are any of these changes worse than all the burping and farting creatures in the original edit of Return of the Jedi? Seriously, the ice had cracked a long, long time ago with the implementation of such juvenile gags and killer teddy bears. And aren't we already numb to Lucas's editing antics after the Special Editions? Forgotten have we the smattering of extra burps and Three Stooges humor which tie the Original Trilogy in so seamlessly with the masterpieces that are the Prequels. No, I am very confident that none of these 2011 edits will even graze the tender nerve Lucas struck when he made Han Solo a pussy by having him shoot in self-defense. There is no more down when you've already hit rock bottom and I plan on grabbing my Blu-ray edition come September 19th for an elevator ride up.
Of course, we will all get the chance to see what rock bottom looks like in 3D when February 10, 2012 rolls around... if you can stay awake.