If somebody had asked me to name my two favorite toys as a kid I would have spat out, "Star Wars" and "Lego®" without skipping a beat. I loved building things and I loved building Star Wars vehicles even more. Of course this was long before Lego® had the intricate sets that they do today but it was hours of fun either way. I still recall fondly the Tie Fighter I created which held together for months until it met its demise at the hands of Darth Mother.
Of course one can only imagine how delighted I was when Lego® actually obtained the Star Wars license and created the wonderful line of brick-based vehicles and mini-fig characters that we see today. It's bloody expensive though and generally takes a back seat to my collecting. (Lego® makes wonderful Father's Day presents in case you were wondering.)
Back in May I splurged and bought the one iconic Star Wars vehicle I had always been after; The Tantive IV. (It's awesome by the way.) Even though it was on sale it still cost a pretty penny and I honestly thought it would be the last expensive Lego® set I would ever want to buy and perpetuated that thinking as a selling point to my wife. I was wrong.
Hello Lego® Super Star Destroyer! Is that an IG-88 in your command module or are you just happy to see me?
Over 3, 000 pieces, almost 50 inches long and just under 8 pounds of brick with an intergalactic price tag of $399.99. Did I mention it comes with 5 minifigures? Darth Vader, Admiral Piett, Dengar, Bossk and IG-88. Oh, and there's a cool little mini Star Destroyer too. That makes $399.99 seem like peanuts, no? Yeah, well, one can dream. I'm sure I'd have plenty of money to spend after the divorce.
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