Saturday, November 21, 2015

Where's Luke?

There has been a net-wide flurry of chatter over the absence of Luke Skywalker (Mark Hamill) from The Force Awakens trailers. We have yet to see a character specific poster for the aged Jedi either unlike the other prominent Original Trilogy cast members.
So where is Master Luke?
Has he become an old hermit like Obi-Wan was in A New Hope? Has he turned to The Dark Side and is secretly Kylo Ren? Is he dead and just a Jedi Spirit along with Yoda, Ben and Anakin? There is no shortage of theories amongst fans for Luke's well orchestrated absence so I will throw my own hat into the ring.
I believe Luke has exiled himself after failing at trying to rebuild the Jedi Order. His failure comes at a cost that is deeply personal and has put a wedge between him and his sister Leia and the heroes that helped bring down The Empire. The Force is strong in his family and this includes his nephew whom he took it upon himself to train in the ways of the Jedi despite Han and Leia's disapproval. Kylo Ren is Luke's failure. Kylo Ren is Leia's son. Han is the father.
I could be completely wrong but if the trailers aren't laced with "fake" scenes then it makes the most sense to me story-wise. And Rey? Rey could be Luke's daughter or Han and Leia's but the former feels more plausible. She's no one... A young woman without a mother (possibly killed by an angry young Jedi turning against his master) and abandoned by a failure of a father (said Master).
So how do you defeat a rising new order ruled by someone you still love? How do you repair so many relationships entwined with a common thread? After 30 years what will bring everyone back together to save the galaxy and where do you go from there?
What happens when The Force Awakens?

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